In 2021 Knowledge City Conference will continue the discussion about the modern-day cities as a result of many processes – from growth management to the social responsibility of citizens and visitors. The event will enable all stakeholders to discuss how the urban environment can be improved, how to attract investments and how business and institutions can work closely together. This year, again, the event will show some god examples from cities in Europe.
2 online editions
Live streaming
TV broadcasting on Bloomberg TV Bulgaria
1 hour duration each
Short interviews
15 & 22 March 2021
Live HERE and on http://www.investormediapro.bg/live
Also follow Investor Media Group websites (investor.bg, bloombergtv.bg, bgonair.bg, dnes.bg) and social media pages of the media
Past events
Knowledge City 2020
Knowledge City 2019
Knowledge City 2018
Knowledge City 2017