Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of KER TOKI POWER. In this role, he is leading the company’s strategy, formulation, development, and cross-functional implementation of the software portfolio of the company. TOKI is a challenger utility and an innovative electricity trader, deeply involved with digital transformation and the decarbonization of the energy industry in the region. Ease of access, transparency, and efficiency are at the core of TOKI’s customer promise. Milko is in charge of ensuring the technology that enables the teams to deliver on this promise and developing the products and applications that will bring innovation to the consumers.
Before this role, Milko led software development teams and projects across industries and segments and held numerous leadership roles in product management, engineering, and operations at VMWare. He is experienced in building high-performance teams that span geographies and deliver results that exceed expectations. He was also CTO and Co-founder of several tech start-ups, which he has led to successful MVP launches and set for growth by adopting the best and right technological opportunities.